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Friday, March 18, 2011

Malkai (MC 2)

Here's a little character piece for one of my MCs that I thought I would share with you all. (Boy, have I been writing with Vivien Weaver too much. (Not really, too much isn't possible!) Pretty soon I'll be saying might could. Anyway, here it is:

once a year we'd go see grandma and grandad in amarillo, and I'd be so excited because that meant we could stop at the Stockyard and get the best chicken fried steak I'd ever had. I mean, I know now that it probably wasn't that good, but it made me feel so grown up when I was little, being around all those real cowboys. Always had to have extra gravy.


  1. Lol, to much with Vivien? Nah, not possible. Just sayin' :)

  2. Seriously, last time I looked at our logs we had four or five novels worth of words.

  3. LOLOL, uh... that's a lot of words. But still, gotta say, if you're going to write too much with someone, Vivien's the one to do it with. She rocks tough.
